Featured How To Live Local: Creating Your Two Mile Map Over the next couple weeks I have a few posts I will be doing that revolve around issues of sustainable living. In these posts I will be trying to avoid the more preachy, theoretical rants I can often find myself falling into. Rather these will be focused on tips and
Blog Entries Bodies of Water in Paste Issue #35 * Our musician friends from Highland Park, Bodies of Water, are in the “4 Artists to Watch” section of the most recent addition of Paste Magazine. They also have their song, “Our Friends Appear Like The Dawn” on the CD sampler if you can get your hands on a copy of
Featured Elvis Perkins @ the Echo: Already Looks Like A Classic This past Friday night I went to see Elvis Perkins with Emily, Cate and Bob. Recently, I found out about Perkins through Paste Magazine. Their review concluded with a statement that grabbed my attention. They said though this guy hasn’t been around long, and it may be too early
Blog Entries UCLA and the Taser Incident – We Tase in the Stacks Now I don’t go to UCLA, but because I live in LA this incident hits close enough to home to draw some reflection and criticism from where I stand. If you’re not sure what I am talking about Slashdot has a succinct explanation based on the article in the
Blog Entries A Little Time for Spiritual Inventory With Sequoias Every so often I realize that I’ve been going full speed ahead for too long and need a break, this past week I had one of those realizations. I finally got to the point where I felt like I had been running with my eyes closed, not paying attention
Blog Entries Sometimes We All Blackout Lovedrug, a band some friends of mine are in, are coming into town on Saturday to play at the Knitting Factory; a line to one of their songs is the title of this post and the current state of my life. Sometimes I get lost in everything. It’s not
Featured Bike to Work Day: Communities and Sustainable Life [Updated] Thursday, May 18th was Bike to Work Day. The city of LA and its surrounding suburbs participated in various activities and sponsored prizes in hopes of encouraging people to ride their bikes to work more often. I participated in Pasadena’s Bike to Work Day and their sponsored events.
Biking Bike to Work Week This coming week, May 15-19, is bike to work week. I have already expressed my disappointment in not being able to participate because of my accident, but I thought I could pass along some links and what-not about biking. There are some great resources on the web about getting started
Biking (Untitled) Since I normally love to write about my adventures in biking here in the city, I figured this post fits into that category. [Those of you with weak stomaches may wish to tune out at this time] Thorn and I paid the price yesterday afternoon for a lady’s indecision;
Blog Entries Blog Party #3 This Monday Night, May 15th, from 7:30-9pm I am inviting those of you who are free to join us in blog party #3. There are a few things you need to bring, a writing prompt to work on, any questions you may have about the technical aspects of blogging
Blog Entries Moving Yet Again! Emily and I just signed a new lease today and so for our fourth summer in a row we will be moving…sigh. It’s odd how much we dislike moving because we seem to do it so much! We are pretty excited about this move for many reasons: one
Blog Entries Rain in Los Angeles (What More of a Headline Do You Need?) I love it and hate it when it rains in LA, being from good ol' Canton Ohio I am fully aware of what life submerged by water looks and feels like. So when it rains here I am not so surprised by this moist substance falling from the sky,
Featured Hey Man Slow Down: The Speed of Life I have been reflecting back on the speed that life has taken on. All of life’s distractions, duties, and the pace at which it seems like we must get things done has been pulling me away from the simple and quiet life that one needs in order to maintain
Featured Silence II So I have to consider that I am at times hard on myself, while at other times way too easy. But in either case my last post about silence might have been a bit modernistic. It was as though to say that reading, listening to music, and participating in other
Biking getting back to things I have taken a bit of a hiatus from the world of blogging, primarily beacuse I have been recovering from writing the Barclay Press entries. I was asked to review Ryan Bolger’s new book “Emerging Churches” for Barclay Press’s book review in February. I am really excited about
Biking something is changing I rode my bike over to the train today – I made it there before it started raining, unfortunately I didn’t make it from the train to the bookstore before it rained – I may need to think about a rainjacket. But something happened today on the train…I had the
Biking bike messengers In another life – I would have gone to college to be a filmaker by night and a bike messenger by day. For now I just get my thrills rocking on my road bike to and from work, but tonight I found a website with some videos of messengers having fun.
Church in Mission On the City – Reflections on the Poor and Skid Row I must say that these conversations as of late have been very stimulating, all this talk about living and not living in places of perceived danger and felt danger. I have some last words to say before I head out on a two-week hiatus in a couple days. I am
Church in Mission Fourth of July in Skid Row I found, at least for myself, one of the best places to spend a fourth of July Church service at – an African-American Church located in the middle of the hopeless and Notorious Skid Row of Los Angeles. Emily and I went to Central City Community Church of the Nazarene (CCCN)