
Emily and I spent thanksgiving with our friends Jeremy and Jenn Seifert, their newborn baby Finn, and a couple guys who were neighbors. Here are some photos from the day. It was really nice to be with friends for the day and we ate some really great food. It was a lot of fun to hang out with Finn too, I guess he likes to spread his arms like an eagle something fun to get caught on camera.

I also got an email from Birmingham this week concerning my application and proposal. Ben, the professor who will most likely be overseeing my research emailed me after having read my proposal and said that it looked “very good” and that he can’t imagine me not getting into the program there. This of course is not anything official but still its good news of sorts, and fun to think about. Emily and I have been excited all weekend talking about how we could afford it, what we will do if we go and who might we stay with. We

think it would be a lot of fun to try and find Quaker family who would host us for the year, maybe Emily could Aupair for work, and I could find some 5-10 hour a week job in the library or something. Living in England could be a whole lot of fun, and a really great experience for the two of us, but we also like the possibility of staying here in southern california for a couple more years and me working with Ryan for my PhD. Either way we are pretty excited and nervous about the future. These are things to be thankful for, the possibilities, and dreams of people who long to know

and be known by Lord and his people.