Testaments: Theological Explorations as Self-Portrait

Dated: 2024-04-30
This is the theological reflection I wrote for the recording process I underwent earlier this year. It is a 26-page reflection inspired by McClendon's concept of "biography as theology." It takes the reader through my early spiritual formation to my becoming a Quaker minister and theologian. There is plenty left out here as I was not trying to offer a memoir, so much as key theological turning points in my life that helped to make sense of some of what I bring with me into my recording. This document was shared, read, and discussed within my faith community as a part of their approving my recording (which is of course not to say that they all approve of everything written here). In Testaments: I tried to focus both on the ways I have found and been found by God largely through relational work. So much of my theological formation has been through family, friendships, community and you will find this theme at the root of a lot of the stories here.
The current format is available in .pdf