May 3, 2005 7:30:25 AM

Yesterday’s blog was a little more extreme than i had intended – I realized this after my loving wife pointed it out to me.  My paraphrase of what the Psalm means in today’s world is heavy handed and tip my hand to theological leanings. One reason why it is somewhat disgruntled is because of all those times emily and i have talked about (and actually done it) living in unsafe areas.  the people who thinks its outrageous to subject yourself and your kids to such uncertainties were sitting in the back of my mind while i was meditating on that.  I haven’t read such a blatant passage of Scripture supporting such dangerous moves as in Psalm 41. though i realize my exegesis may not leave everyone convinced about what God will and won’t do, i do think it needs to be said – in a more contemplative manner.  For I know that the influences of today continue to drive me away from any activity of the kingdom – and the activity of the kingdom calls me to truly die to myself.  die to all of my rights.  count everything loss.  if this is so – oh Lord. what can i do today to learn this better because i have not yet forsaken all as you showed us how.  show me how – lead us in the way everlasting.