An Iraq Exit Strategy Some Ideas On How to Leave From Jim Wallis

While at the politics and spirituality conference we got to hear Wallis, Richard Rohr and Anne Lamott speak. They were also given time after their talks to answer questions from them audience.  This gave a bit of a chance for the rest of us to interact a little with the speakers.  On the morning Wallis spoke he was asked about an Iraq exit strategy and what ideas he had concerning it.

Wallis was hesitant to answer, and said that there will be no easy or clear cut way to exit Iraq (I appreciated his honesty when faced with such a difficult question).  He also said that if the US was going to end its “occupancy” it would at least need to make three promises to Iraq and the world.  In other words here are some components of what the exit strategy should entail.

  1. No more permanent presence in Iraq.
  2. No priority on their oil.
  3. No monopoly on rebuilding Iraq.

I think one more feature should be added to the exit, as Wallis said, “Bush has made this presidency a failed Christian presidency,” and because of this, we as the church owe the world (in part through the mouth of the President) a worldwide apology for the wars, and the uprise in fear and terrorism we’ve experienced since our first attacks.

I am curious to find out what the thoughts are on these “components” and other methods that might be in order for leaving.

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