Do Not Be Afraid…
I spent this past weekend at the Politics and Spirituality conference with the Beatitudes Society both of which I have much to write about and will do so over the next week or two. But in this moment I continue to think of this day as the anniversary of September 11, one of the saddest America has witnessed since I’ve been around (’78).
Yesterday during our time of worship at the conference we participated in a Thomas Mass, Father Richard Rhor performed the ceremony. It was absolutely lovely, and during it Jim Wallis (of Sojouners) shared with us about Jesus’ healing the deaf and mute man in the Gospel of Mark [this post is inspired by more of what he said about Jesus’ own ministry].
It’s important on this day, September 11, 2006 for the church to hear the words of Christ when he says,
Peace I leave with you you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world dives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid (Jn14:27).???
Jesus reminds the church that we are to be characterized by peace and not fear – the world gives us fear; the media, the government, our businesses and schools are often characterized by fear, but the Spirit is not.

When we hide in fear we are closed off to the call of the Gospel, that’s why Christ repeats these words do not be afraid??? in many and various situations throughout the Gospels. The call of God, to himself in reconciliation is a call to hope, redemption and reconciliation.
The Gospel is a call to security but not safety.
This is something we Christian Americans lose sight of easily. Surrounded by so much wealth and power, we have been put in a position where we feel the need to protect this at all cost. Protecting wealth and power at all cost is anti-gospel. God gives us security (the security of his everlasting love, the hope of eternal life, the peace of the Spirit), but he does not guarantee us safety.
When we are afraid we are closed down to the deep calls of the Gospel, the Gospel makes little sense to those who love their safety more than the salvation of the world.
Safety is an idol of American Christianity.
Vulnerability is necessary for a life of faith. When we are made vulnerable our true master is revealed: power, money, the government, education, prestige, or the simple Gospel Jesus.
Today – the church must remember to put our hope and our life’s work in the peace and love of Christ, not the fearful rhetoric of the media. If the church is afraid, and crippled by the stifling terror of darkness found outside the hope of the Gospel, then we cannot offer the world anything different nor can we expect a different response.
Our faith is not based on fear but hope.
Technorati Tags: 9.11, do not be afraid, the gospel, jesus christ, peace