Dress Down Fridays | March 2, 2007

This is another Dress Down Friday, where the point is to have a little fun, share some links and recap the week. Oh and I’m taking the weekend off, Emily and I are heading off to Berkley for the weekend so here are a few thoughts before we head out.

  • While we’re in Berkley, you know where to find us if you’re looking.
  • We’re excited to be hanging out with our good friends Barry and Ali this weekend as they are graciously putting us up for while we kick it at Quaker Heritage Day. We’re looking forward to seeing some of our f/Friends and visiting one of our favorite cities.
  • Yesterday I posted to the notepad and asked readers to send some new blogs my way, there are already some great links provided, so if you’ve got some time today visit those links or add you own.
  • You’ll be excited to know iBam is giving away a free iPod shuffle and while you’re over there he has also linked to the iPhone commercial that played at the Oscars.
  • Earlier this week the Quaker Ranter emailed me to announce that one of my comments on his post he wrote about “Job Hunting” has made him a google authority on Cage Dancing! I thought another link wouldn’t hurt that…
  • One of my all time favorite bands Starflyer 59’s lead singer and mastermind behind the group, Jason Martin, has joined up with his brother Ronnie Martin, from Joy Electric, for a new mashup called Brother’s Martin. Here is their e-card.
  • Speaking of my personal favorites, Wes Anderson, the director of my most loved films, The Life Aquatic, Rushmore, Royal Tennabaums and Bottle Rocket, is making another film, only this time it’s going to be stop motion animation. Big Little Screen reports that the film “The Fantastic Mr. Fox,” based on the fabulous children’s book by Roald Dahl may be starring the voices of Clooney and Blanchet.
  • Finally, since I’ve been on a Rob Bell kick lately I thought I’d point this out. Ben Witherington, a top notched Biblical Scholar, and good friend of one of my favorite Malone Profs Duane Watson, has reviewed Rob Bell’s Nooma videos on his blog Vol.1-5 | vol.6-10 | vol.11-15 and he has also just posted a review of Bell’s new book “Sex God.”