Different Days Off

We decided to experiment with changing my days off, so I worked on Monday and am planning on taking Friday off. I have been taking Mondays off since I began pastoring last May. While it’s been really nice to have a free day where pressure from Sunday’s preparation doesn’t loom so eminently, starting work on Tuesdays has left me feeling more stressed and a bit behind from the beginning. I did all the things I normally do on Tuesday on Monday (mostly office admin type stuff, plus selection of Sunday’s text) and felt more relaxed, less rushed and slower all day. I look forward to the rest of the week and trying to reframe how and when I get things done remembering my one less day comes at the end of the week! And since I will have had only two days off in the past three weeks, I am really looking forward to Friday! I think having two consecutive days off again will be nice, plus it seems like everything I want to do is closed on Mondays!