Daily Scribe Jamboree November 3, 2006

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I missed last week’s “Jamboree” so I thought I’d post a couple articles from both weeks.  The Daily Scribe is a blogging community of religious bloggers who write on a variety of subjects and come from a variety of religions. You’ll definitely want to read on, as there are some really good links this week.

Musings has a great short poem that begins:

“I am”, said God to Moses from the burning bush.
“Before Abraham was, I am”, said Jesus.
“I am the vine,” said Jesus.
“And you are the branches.”

Mark Berry points out Alan Hirsch’s new blog, Alan is the co-author of the Shaping of Things to Come, which I’ve posted about on my Emerging Church resource list as a must read book if you’re interested in the movement.  His main focus is on missional churches and leadership.

And sex is a big topic as of late:  David at Mindful Mission has a post on condoms, while Makeesha of In His Courts has begun a very thoughtful series, from the perspective of both a wife and mother, on sexuality. So far the three posts are the introduction,  “First Impressions,” a second post here, and another looking at “What’s Ok?”

For something more entertaining – Did you know you can get a hip Halloween Barbie?

Finally, In hist post called, Questions: Secret identities and the blogger’s code, Chutney asks,

“What is the proper response of the blogging community when someone outs, or threatens to out, another blogger? What responsibilities does a blogger have to maintain his own secret identity? And what responsibility do bloggers have to protect the secret identities of other bloggers?”

Which seem to me to be very valuable questions for bloggers.

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