Barclay Press Essay:The Temptation To Surrender

Barclay Press, the main Evangelical Quaker publisher, has totally revamped their website and invited five columnists to write for them over the next year. I am one of their columnists, along with Joseph Thouvenel, Pam Ferguson,  Eric Muhr, and Nancy Thomas. The new site and featured columns launched yesterday. I was really excited to receive the invitation to write for Barclay, they’ve played a big role in helping me first get published, their staff is wonderful to work with, and I really like what they’re doing their.  As a press they have a great mix of spirituality and faith in everyday life, emerging and missional church theology and Quaker books available.

If you’d like to follow my essays on Barclay, you can watch my author page here and read my newly written bio (I know, how exciting!). I’ll be taking this opportunity to develop some of my thinking that’s been influenced by cultural studies, and use those insights to help interpret faith within today’s world. I am trying to take the perspective that these essays are kind of like interventions or disruptions in our everyday formulations of faith. I hope these articles will stimulate some great conversation, and open up new possibilities for the Spirit to work in our lives and churches.My first essay is titled, “The Temptation to Surrender,” and is on politics, peace, and the Kingdom of God. I hope you enjoy!