Advertising on Blogs: And So I Take It Back

I’ve written a fairly recent article on why I decided to turn the ads off on my site.   Well I still agree with what was said there, but I have also  found a way to meet in the middle.  I have signed up for Text Link Ads a company that allows you some control over who you advertise for and only uses links, not flashy billboard ads to spread the news.  When I learned about my options with text links (from trusted friends Shawn and Chris), I decided to apply and see if they would accept my site as an affiliate.  They have and so I have decided to publish the space they sell for more.   I owe you my reasons:

  1. I can actually make enough money (if they sell all my space) to pay for the majority of my book expenses for school.  So any money I make will be a part of my book and school supply budget.  If this works out there is a high likely hood that I will not have any debt for  my PhD program.  In other words, between scholarships, grants, and money from ads there will be no out of pocket expenses.  Avoiding anymore crushing debt is really important for both Emily and I.
  2. The writing I do on this site is meant to be a resource and dialogue for everyone to use and it is something I grow from personally.  My 7 years of schooling thus far informs the ideas I have, and if I were to ever write a book, or make money from teaching or speaking engagements I wouldn’t think twice about excepting pay for my profession.  This is true for here as well.
  3. I can excersize “veto” power over an add if I need to – this is really important to me.  I will be watching what gets advertised here and will ask to have sites removed that I do know approve of.  If you see a site you find questionable please point it out to me.

I realize my previous post was quite a statement and I still stand behind it.  I welcome your comments, questions and criticisms in my changing my mind about the issue.