A Full Weekend Ahead

I had the best intentions of writing a post about yesterday,  but I was just too exhausted and went to bed after watching my favorite “fake news” shows. This morning I’m headed out to our Mid-Year Boards for the Yearly Meeting where I have been put on our leadership committee. Tonight I’m playing music with a friend in the church who is going to lead music with me tomorrow morning. This is the first time I’ll have led (or helped lead) Sunday music in about 5 years. I’m a little nervous but am going to do some of the songs we used to sing at Pasadena Mennonite, so that will be fun. I look forward to Cherice and Joel Bock visiting our meeting tomorrow and talking to us about their experience with Christian Peacemaker Teams. And then in the evening we’re watching a short film on Human Trafficking called “The Fields of Mudan.” So it’s a very full weekend. I appreciate all of you reading, your prayers and support.