What Does The Eye See?
“Pay attention to what you pay attention to…”
Things have been joyfully hectic in the Miller Daniels household. I’ve made more trips up to Ohio to visit Dad who continues to improve slowly and steadily. He is still in the ICU but has hopes of being in a longer term rehab facility soon. I’m grateful that my son, C. and I, were able to visit with grandpa last week and he was awake and able to communicate with us. Thank you for your ongoing thoughts, prayers, and good energy you’re sending his way.
The other big news is that my wife, Emily, left for Ohio this past Wednesday. She will be gone for a whole month working on a certification for Montessori education. It’s been a dream of hers to not only teach at a Montessori school, but to study at the Hershey Farm in Ohio for many years. It’s a true gift that she gets to be there and do this. That means that back home here in GSO, I’m solo-parenting for the month. We’re having a good time so far. One of the things I’m celebrating about it is that I get to have more time with the kids, since because of Emily’s, absence, I will be taking a good amount of time off in July. I’m also only two and a half days in so please check back! LOL!
This week’s newsletter has a few points of interest. First, is a message I gave recently on spiritual seeing, called “What Does the Eye See?” I think you’ll enjoy it. I found it to be a joyful and uplifting message that was both fun to write and share with Jamestown Friends. Secondly, is a post about Clara Cox, a person I mentioned in my last newsletter. Here you will find more about her life written in two versions: the punk rock version and the regular, far more proper, encyclopedic version.
We also welcome our first sponsor to the newsletter, the new and very lovely podcast, “Thee Quaker.” I hope you’re listening. It’s off to a great start and if you listen carefully you’ll find yours truly in Episode 1 and 3! Learn how to become a sponsor here.
Find more lots more read below.
Thank you for reading and supporting my work,
Wess Daniels
Greensboro NC (Haw River Watershed)

What Does the Eye See?
Austin Kleon writes:
“[Sister] Kent said she made common things “uncommon.” (She thought “uncommon” was a better term than “art.”) “I don-think of it as art,” she said, “I just make things I like bigger.” She had a particular way of looking at the ordinary world, and she taught this way of looking to her students. In one of her assignments, she had students create what she called a “finder,” a piece of paper with a rectangle cut out of it to simulate a camera viewfinder. She would lead her students on field trips, teaching them to crop the world, to “see for the sake of seeing,” and discover all the things that they’d never bothered to notice.”
Continue reading What Does the Eye See over on GatheringInLight.com

Clara Ione Cox – Southern Angelic Troublemaker and Intersex Quaker Minister
Even though she was a white Southerner, she was heavily involved in anti-racist work and was known to be a friend and trusted ally by many leading African-American leaders in North Carolina. She was the chair-person for the Association of Southern Women for the Prevention of Lynching. A white woman standing up against the vicious mob and scapegoat mentality of lynching took tremendous courage. And she was born intersex during a time when that was not well understood or treated as a normal thing. They said she was on “abnormal birth.” She never married or partnered, but had a cousin, or a friend, we are not completely sure (which already says something, doesn’t it) live with her and take care of her until Clara died in 1940.
Continue reading about Clara Ione Cox – Southern Angelic Troublemaker and Intersex Quaker Minister
🎧 Listen Now To “Thee Quaker Podcast”

Thee Quaker Podcast brings stories of spiritual courage to your ears each week.
Quakers have always wrestled with big questions in their search for spiritual truth. Thee Quaker Podcast is a continuation of that 400-year-old tradition — we’re digging deep to search for innovative stories that explore themes of faith, conviction, and doubt. Listen and subscribe at QuakerPodcast.com.
Comment from Wess about Thee Quaker: Georgia and Jon are doing a really good job with this both in terms of content and production value. Whether you’re new to Quakerism or a Quaker who is looking for new perspectives, this is worth your time. Listen on Apple Music, Spotify, Pockcasts, or wherever you listen to your podcasts.
If you’re interested in becoming a sponsor of the newsletter reading more here.
The Nurse Log Wiki is Now Available

Two weeks ago, I launched the Nurse Log Wiki. It is the B-Sides to the newsletter. Lots of theory, concepts, people, and other reviews are already posted there. I will continue to add and link to it. This is a special feature available for members of the newsletter.
Find More Information about the Wiki and how to join here.
Links from Around the Web Picked Just For You
- From Sojourners: In Rural Ohio, Gay Bars and Mennonite Churches are Healing Religious Trauma
- This is not something I have really thought about doing but it seems like a good idea: The Holy Task of Keeping a Death Scroll
- Is the Duggar family really fringe?
- From the NY Times: Religion in America is Quickly Shifting
- And one last one from a Substack Newsletter I really enjoyed:

Range WidelyDon’t Let Good Ideas Get Away“Her sister said she had always carried a notebook and was constantly scribbling down her thoughts. She collected the scraps of paper in a bag and emptied them out when she was ready to write.” “She” is writer Rachell Ingalls. Her sister’s recollection is from a…Read more9 months ago · 102 likes · 83 comments · David Epstein
“For anyone trying to discern what to do with their life: Pay attention to what you pay attention to. That’s pretty much all the info you need.”
-Amy Krouse Rosenthal
Thank you for reading and making Nurse Log Notes possible
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Wess Daniels