Tyrants and Tax Collectors – I Can’t Get Enough of That Blogging Love

So as some of you have noticed over the past 6-8 months I have gradually and purposefully moved away from writing personal stuff and have moved more towards content focused posts here on Gathering in Light.  So like many bloggers I know, who love to write, I’ve decided to start a personal blog.  This “personal blog” is void of content and is characterized by me talking about the things I do from day to day and the things I find interesting and want to share.  It may sooner or later be just considered “a mess” and deserve to be deleted, but that will be its charm…maybe…

This new blog will in many ways be the exact opposite of Gathering in Light, it will be uncensored, be filled with pointless postings about things I did recently, websites I think you should look at and whatever pops into my head in a moment’s notice and most of all it won’t be meaningful for you, and will not follow any regular posting schedule.

Basically its the underbelly of GL – its everything else I’ve been wanting to say but I’ve not wanted to clog my articles over here with — so indulge or rather let me feed my hunger to write about all my adventures and misadventures with

Tyrants & Tax Collectors.You can subscribe to it if you’d like, I don’t really care if you do or not, in fact I would probably encourage you not too. Plus I would much rather you read this blog if you were going to read anything at all but if you really have a lot of time on your hands then sign up for the Tyrants’ feed.

Finally the link at the top of the main page title “T&T” will take you directly to the new blog for future visits.

If on the other hand you just want articles to read then I invite you to consider becoming a subscriber of this site.

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