Two Invitation For Everyone

I wanted to make two invitations to anyone who happens upon my blog in the coming weeks:

1. Shawn over at LoFi Tribe has announced the theme for April's Ping Homily Series, its on Humility.  We'd both really like to see more involvement on this great reflective exercise so if you are interested in the next month write up a short homily on humility and either 1) ping him (you can do this by copying the link above named “April's Ping Homily” and adding it to your post on your own blog), or 2) if you don't have a blog type jump over to his post on the humility and write the homily as a comment (you may want to write it out first in a text document just in case).  The prize is a free book at the end of the 4 weeks (or so).

Here's a little blurb from Shawn,

April’s Ping Homily! theme, like March’s, is focused upon a universal human virtue. Universal human virtues are neither the property of any one faith tradition, nor are they limited to any single expression thereof. One need not be a Christian, for example, to participate. Readers belonging to other faiths and/or traditions can participate in Ping Homily! In other words, participation in this project is open to anyone who feels they have something inspirational or ethical to write about the given theme. Just be sure to ping the original theme thread here at Lo-Fi Tribe to be counted!

2.) I would also like to invite anyone who frequents this site to become a subscriber.  Recently I posted a How-To for theological blogging and as part of what I learned is that its really important to have regular people who read often, this is because you (the reader) works as part of my online community.  You not only read but interact with what I write regularly, agreeing, disagreeing, and adding to the thoughts written here.  This is what make “Gathering in Light” hold up to its own name.  So I invite those of you who are not yet subscribers to join in this conversation.  It also offers me a way of knowing what kind of “stable readership” I have a nice thing when you feel like you're talking into a computer screen.


This is the beginning of a subscribe drive for this blog (and possibly others), kind of like NPR except its wonderfully free.  An advantage you have as a subscriber is you will get an email or notification (if you use a reader) every time I post, instead of having to visit my website all the time.  This may or may not revolutionize your life but its worth the try.  There are two ways to subscribe 1) the easiest way is to type your email address into the box down at the bottom that say email and hit “subscribe” me, you will always be able to unsubscribe if my posts get to be a bit much;  or 2) you can use a feed reader and copy the address from the little orange box under the main header picture of a 7 and past that into you reader account. If you don't know what I am talking about, #1 is your way!  Thanks for subscribing if you do and if not that's cool too, thanks for visiting either way.
Sidenote:  Now that I have this fancy “subscribe badge” I just have to figure out how to get it on the front page.

See the Feed Page:

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