Some of My Favorite 2006 Mac Weblogs

I love using a mac and I love to keep up with all the new tricks, tips, shareware and freeware that that mac community continues to make. Over the past year I’ve found some great Apple bloggers who know their stuff, and who have helped me to hone my mac-skillzzzz.
Because of this, I tend to be a bit of a Mac-evangelist as well, and so I’m always telling people about different mac-blogs to check out. Then I realized I’ve never posted some of my favorite ones here so I thought I’d do a favorites of 2006 post.
These are in random order:

Paul Stamatiou

The Apple Blog

Daring Fireball


Cool OSX Apps

Phill Ryu

Schwarz Tech

Uneasy Silence

Technorati Tags: 5Thirtyone, Apple Computer, Blogs, Favorites Blogs 2006, Macintosh, Paul Stamatiou, Phil, The Apple Blog