Silence Would Be Better

Today has been one of those days where there is so much to be said, all of it sitting on the tip of my tongue and yet none of it able to fall forth on the page. I’ve had such a hard time thinking lately, like things are cloudy, and then moments happen where everything gets real dark and you realize there is only one thing that can be done.Silence.It is hard to find space to be silent. Even when I ride the train home, or to work, a perfect time to be silent I am often anxious to break out the newest book I am reading (East of Eden currently) or pop in the ol’ earbuds and listen to some tunes.When I am home, silence is most fleeting.It is so easy to be distracted by everything, and this is why the spiritual life – or life flowing from the Spirit – is so difficult to grasp. The culture around us tells us to do everything but be quiet, it offers us so much clutter, so much information, so many images and sounds, I feel like a child going into the video game isle at the local tech shop. “Just give me anything, I don’t even care. But don’t let me leave this store with nothing.”And this is my biggest fear with silence, that it will all come up empty.I wonder how busy people ever make time to just sit and listen to the Spirit of Christ. And what happens when we do?technorati tags: ,

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