Shoot and Deliver is Live

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So what would you expect to find a PhD student doing during week 10 of the quarter?  Building a website maybe?  Well if that’s what your guess was then you’re right!  My buddy Chris Sikorowski was a freelance videographer long before I met him 3.5 years ago at a Young Life function and he’s gotten to be very good at what he does, he’s even had the opportunity to interview Robin Williams.  Less impressive than that but equally interesting is that Chris helped me out on my debut directing job on Liars and Cheaters.

Earlier this year he asked me if I’d help create a website for him, wo with the little I know about that sort of thing we went to work. We just put the finishing touches on it today and I am pretty excited about it.  I helped him get the server and domain set up, installed wordpress and all those extra things that follow.  We decided to use Glued Ideas theme Subtle for its extendibility, it looks professional and I know am comfortable with it.

So when you get a second I was hoping you’d take a look – Shoot and Deliver

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