Seven Things About CWD

A meme from Dry Bones Dance, sent to me by Robin. I debated whether to do it or not, but since I’ve been doing so much academic stuff recently it seemed like fun.

1. Link to your tagger and post these rules on your blog.
2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
4. Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
5. Present an image of martial discord from whatever period or situation you’d like.

Seven Ol’ Facts:

  1. I’ve always had a lot of trouble with my name. Not only do I go by my middle name, but my name is really just Wess, not Wes, West, Weiss or Wesley. It’s amazing how often I see my name misspelled, and how often I have to repeat it when someone asks for it over the phone. Most recently, I’ve made friends with a guy named Wesley Daniel Hall. Not only are our names similar, and we work in the same bookstore, but he also has really curly hair (and is short and has a similar build as me). I’ve missed my shifts more than once because, until recently, we were both ‘Wess’ on the schedule. Needless to say we have a lot of fun with our shared name and hair.
  1. I’m a number 3 on the Enneagram.
  2. My favorite saturday lunch is grilled cheese with extra sharp cheddar grilled on a grille pan, tapatio, salt and pepper potato chips dunked in vinegar, a dill pickle, and a tasty beer in a frosty mug.
  3. Growing up one of my heroes was Inspector Gadget, the other was Inspector Clouseau oddly enough I never wanted to go into Law Enforcement. Come to think of it, a third favorite was Hannibal Smith of the A-Team. I always thought the gloves, cigar and his line, “I love it when a plan comes together,” were so tough.
  4. I met my wife when she was 18 years old and on her first day of college during her first fifteen minutes on campus!
  5. I was class president for two years while I was in college. I won my first term with the slogan, “Give the curly-head a try.”
  6. I filmed, directed and produced tons of short movies when I was very young, starring 5 of younger siblings. The most famous of all of them (which means none of you have ever heard or seen these) are called “Monster Man I, II, & III.” One of my dreams growing up was to become a director that’s  why my favorite director is Wes Anderson (I also like his name).

I’m taking liberties with the “image of martial discord” and presenting a short clip from Eddie Izzard’s “Dressed to Kill.”


I’m only going to tag six people: