Scribe Jamboree:August 16 2006

Here are few good reads from the folks over at the Daily Scribe.

From “A People So Bolda post about Reinhold Niebuhr‘s stance on nationalism. Quoting Niebuhr, “The gospel cannot be preached with truth and power if it does not challenge the pretensions and pride, not only of individuals, but of nations, cultures, civilizations, economic and political systems.”

Jew School points out that the media has turned, “the words Israel and Jews into synonyms, as if all Jews are hard-line Zionists who automatically back the policies and practices of the Israeli government, every Israeli government.” In the pst “How the Jewish Left Gets Left Behind.”

The Daily Scribe relaunches and invites everyone to join in the new “Ping Homily.”   Ping Homily’s are short homilies written on blogs and linked back to the blog that originated the post.  Shawn has writtent he first one on beauty, the one who writes the “best” homily wins a free book. I haven’t written one yet, but I hope to have the chance in the next couple weeks.