Scribe Jamboree for Friday August 4

In an attempt to get more connected with our friends within the Daily Scribe blogging community we’ve decided to post links to other’s blogs weekly (for me it will probably be less occasional than that).  We’re calling this the The Daily Scribe Jamboree, and we will be pointing to bloggers who have interesting things to say and who we may or may not have read before.

This week in the Religious blogging sphere:

Over at Jspot, a collaborative Jewish blog, Rabbi Jill Jacobs asks, “Are Jewish Democrats dying out???? She says, “But gaining on this #1 myth is the periodic prediction that Jews will soon abandon the Democrats and protect our (growing) economic interests by voting Republican en masse.???  Rabbi Jill questions this prediction and wonders who’s to say younger generations of Jewish Children are going to go one way or the other?

David confesses that he’s a feminist.  David, we’re okay with that.

Steve Taylor, One Scribe Blogger points to Pernell another blogger and discusses the importance of preaching belonging to community.

He says, “In modernity expounding the Bible usually belonged to one person. But a close look at the Bible makes that problematic: the school of the prophets in the Old Testament suggests a community engaged with the text, Jesus and the Emmaus Road suggests God is revealed not in the expounded words but seated around table, Paul in the lecture halls of Greek culture ???dialogued“ between text and context. I am not suggesting either/or; replacing one way with another way, but both/and.???

Oh and a Happy Birthday to Mrs. Walker Cleaveland. I love the irony of this picture, I know how you feel.

Delicious Jamboree

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