San Diego

I am looking forward to this upcoming weekend because Emily and I are traveling down to San Diego this evening and we are going to stay until Saturday afternoon.  I think it will be a lot of fun, not only is San Diego cool, but I have some work I need to get done and this will provide the time for that.

I am lecturing in Ryan’s “Jesus the Missionary??? class on Monday.  I have the core part of my lecture done, but I need to work out the group activities and nail down my sources a bit better.  I am pretty excited about the lecture though, its going to be on the “Community Formation and The Lord’s Prayer.???  Its something I came up with last year and I’ve had some good feedback about it, so I wanted to give it some legs and see if it can walk in a classroom setting.  Ryan was gracious enough to give me the opportunity.  I feel like I’ve been doing a lot of writing lately, but I don’t necessarily feel like I’ve made headway into anything, I feel like I am desperately grabbing in the the wind; my chance to be in front of the class and share something I really care about and believe in may help me see things are happening…maybe not.

I will also be working on an article the Fuller’s newspaper, the Semi.  My friend Mike Work plugged some of my material on the technology and Christian practice to the editor and she wants to use my “Multitasking and Simplicity??? article.  So I have to edit it down to 800 words (no small task for me) and polish it up a bit.  I really am excited about getting more opportunities to write, this is one of the main reason’s I’ve changed some of the structure to my blog.  I think I’ve always liked to write, and I find that “blogging??? is a way to practice and think out those thoughts.  I like blogging better in some ways than printed publishing, because you can get immediate feedback, who doesn’t like that?

Finally I am really excited about what’s going on with Quaker 2.0, a side project I am working on with Chris and others.  Not only is it another venue to try and work out thoughts, and carry on dialogue but its also a pretty focused conversation about Friends’ practice in the post-modern world.  Its a collaborative project, so that means that we get to share ideas and sharpen each other in ways you don’t normally get to with your own writing.

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