Roll Call for Friends of Gathering In Light

As for our first order of buisness of the new year I’d like to open the floor up to all of you who are friends of this site (thanks for the idea Paul). First, thank you for reading this past year, 2007 saw a huge increase in traffic, subscribers and some really enjoyable conversations. From my perspective it was a very exciting year. Secondly, I want to wish all of you have a wonderful new year; I for one am feeling really good about 2008.

Regardless of whether you just started reading GL this past week or you’ve been reading since 2003, the next moment you get I would love for you to take some time and tell us all a little about who you are, what you do, where you live, a couple interests you have and one possible resolution or something you look forward to in 2008. If you want to throw in something extra please feel free, you can even drop a suggestion for post topics you’d like to see discussed here (Skribit in the sidebar is good for that as well).

Thanks again for reading.