Re: The Daily Scribe Has Been Retired

This post is long overdue but the Daily Scribe religious blogging community has been retired. What is written below is part of an email I recently sent to everyone who participated in the Daily Scribe project. Since that time I’ve received more questions about the overall status of Scribe and thought it would be good to do a short post announcing that we have decided to lay down the project.

Those of us who were heading up the Daily Scribe and what was to become “the Meeting House” decided that we were all overcommitted with other things, and that while we all believed in the project thought it was the first of our commitments to go.

As I wrote in the email:

There is no complicated back story to why we decided to stop. The main reason is a few of us, me included just ran out of extra time in our lives to run the site.  As you all know I began my PhD in the fall of 06 with Ryan Bolger at Fuller, and that is all but sapping any time I had to do anything else.  A few of the other people helping the site also had similar life situations calling for more attention.

In order to make the transition we needed a lot more steam and more time, and we just ran out of it.  It was sad news for all of us because we were really interested in the project. Hopefully we’ve made a few significant connections to have made it all worth it!

We ended it in a wonderfully peaceful and pleasant way, it was done in consensus, and there are no hard feelings (so far as I know). We all were happy to have had the opportunity to be apart of the Daily Scribe while it was around.

I want to officially thank all of you who were a part of the project, as well as all of you who showed interest in the project, supported by reading its bloggers, and encouraged the overall aim of group.

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