Our New Family “Scrapbook”

Emily and I have set up a “family scrapbook” site called Weird Fishes (the name of one of L’s favorite Radiohead songs). It’s basically going to be our site for all things Daniels family. I know there are a number of you (family and friends) who read my blog because you’re interested in getting updates about what we’re up to in life, the baby, etc. and I recognize that Gathering in Light usually fails in this area. And since I am trying to make a move to keep this site more focused on being a journal of my “work,” it seemed like a good idea to Emily and I to create Weird Fishes.  That said, I’d like for all of you who are interested in reading about the family life side of things in the lives of the Daniels to hop on over to our new site (or sign up for the email updates). As a little side-note, I am going to be transitioning into stay-at-home dad for the next 3.5 months and could use your prayers (I’m pretty nervous). One fun thing I’ve decided to do is take a picture of something L and I do everyday to show Emily what we’re up to while she’s at work, I’ll be posting those pictures on our other site as well. And as always, thank you for reading this site.