Oscar Romero on The Protagonists of History

I’ve been reading through excerpts of Oscar Romero’s prayers and writings and many  strike me but this one really stood out to me this morning as one we need to hear today:

The true protagonists of history are those who are most united with God, because with God’s viewpoint they can best attend to the signs of the times, the ways of Providence, the build of history. Oh, if we only had persons of prayer among those who oversee the fate of the nation and the fate of the economy! If, instead of relying on human devices, people would rely on God and on his devices, we would have a world like the one the church dreams of, a world without injustices, a world with respect for rights, a world with generous participation by all, a world without repression, a world without torture.

Oscar Romero, The Violence of Love, July 17, 1977