Now WordPress 2.1 Powered

[Edit – Wait to upgrade I am having some serious duplication and comment issues.]
[Edit – Okay now everything should be up and running.  I had some problems with two plugins the “Subscribe to Comments” plugin and the Sideblog plugin (which I use for my notepad).  Once there are updated files I will add these functions back to the site.]

WordPress, the blogging engine that powers my website just released their newest version 2.1. I’ve uploaded the whole thing, but only after deactivating all my plugins and backing up my database (see upgrading for more info).  After all that was taken care up it took all of 5 min. to upload the new files and have this baby up and running again.

Here’s a picture of the newly designed login screen.

I tried to upload that photo using the new uploaded but it seemed a bit buggy, otherwise everything seems to be working well, I am even writing this in the new post editor (I normally use a desktop app for writing posts).

My next task for the comming week is to move everything over to Media Temple, my new server.