Newbie’s Guide to Seminary

Over the course of the last couple years I’ve done a number of posts on tips and tricks with regards to studying, using computers more efficiently, and productivity/organization. It’s not a main focus for my blog, but when I am inspired with an idea and I see a connection to the larger topics of this site then I like to post them. A couple of my favorites are:

  1. Moleskine GTD Hack for Students
  2. The post with loads of tips for the first year seminarian
  3. Thoughts on how to survive rigorous studies
  4. And tips on using Delicious for research

The other day I came across a great blog post by a fellow Fuller classmate, and student from one of the classes I just assisted this past quarter, who wrote the “Newbie’s Guide to Seminary.” His post is great, very thoughtful and reflective and gives seven tips dealing with Sabbath, building community, faith, budgeting, organizing, etc. all while doing studies at Seminary. Another nice thing about his is that it’s really timely as he’s just finished his first quarter at Fuller. Here’s an excerpt:

The task of study can often take precedent over intentionally pursuing a relationship with God. The things of God that could otherwise sharpen our persons, enable us to fall deeper in love with Christ, and better assist those around us instead become objects of analysis and study. As an isolated discipline, study can often leave us dry and forgetful of our calling. During my internship at Wesley I became more and more aware of the necessity for the Spirit’s sustenance. My life’s pace hasn’t changed a whole lot since then, so I’ve continued (though imperfectly) those same practices. Schedules don’t always provide huge chunks of space for weekly spiritual gorges, so being intentional with small moments is important. Life simply isn’t meant to be spent

but connected to God- the vine and the branch as it were.

Trent from We Are Not Strangers