New Quaker Blogger Book: Writing Cheerfully on the Web

Liz Oppenheimer has recently edited a volume of online conversations from a rich variety of Quaker authors and brought them together in “Writing Cheerfully on the Web,” a play on the George Fox’s famous line, “Walking Cheerfully Over the Earth.”

Here’s what Quaker Books has to say about it:

This book brings to print the online conversation that has been mending our historical schisms and pointing to who we are as the Religious Society of Friends. Writings from 32 Friends from across all the Quaker Branches. On topics such as Convergent Christianity, our traditions. With an index of blogs and a preface by Brent Bill.

I have an essay in the book as well, one you will recognize from this blog. If you’re interested in an introduction into the convergent Friends conversation, or want to find out what other Quakers have to say around an assortment of issues then this will be of interest to  you.  It is now available at Quaker Books (

See also Cat Chapin-Bishop’s post for more info.