New Gathering In Light: 3rd Edition

Three years ago I bought and started hosting my own website and blog. It was an attempt to establish more of a presence online, work on my writing, and try to make connections with other people interested in the same kinds of questions I am. Over the course of the last few years all these things have happened and a lot more. I’ve had a great time writing on this blog; I’ve learned a lot about myself and how to communicate (and how not to), and best of all I’ve meet loads of wonderful people along the way. It’s amazing how much texture a website can add to ones’ life, the community I consider myself a part of has greatly extending through this site.

This site has had a number of revisions and stylistic changes, but I have remained fairly on target with writing on issues related to the church in mission, especially as it pertains to church traditions like Quakerism. It’s also been a place to share about my journey as a Christian, student and husband/father. Today I’m pretty excited to announce a “3rd edition” of gathering in light, it was put together by two friends of mine who live in town here. Typenerd did the design and Rupert did the code. Last night we put a lot of the finishing touches on the site, and while we have to iron out a few wrinkles, it’s ready to go. All the featured articles will remain in the middle of the page and be more prominent than in a regular blog and other less prominent posts will show up in the right column of the homepage. I hope you enjoy the new look.