my guest post on the smitten word: an ounce of action

Suzannah Paul of the Smitten Word has been hosting a series of guest posts on her blog about embodied faith this month. She was kind enough to accept a piece I wrote for the series called “An Ounce of Action.” Below is an excerpt. Jump over there by clicking the link below if it interests you.
My theories and ideals melted away before my very eyes only to be reconstructed in the tendons and ligaments of embodied community. By moving out of the confines of academic life and into the vigor of life enfleshed, I am challenged by what I learn within this diverse community that has been planted in one place for seventy-five years. I had to let the neatly tied theories and idealistic visions of “what the church should look like” be redefined within the everyday lives of people who experience and see the world differently than I do. In this case, my action led to a reshaping of not only of my theory but my entire life.
via suzannah paul | the smitten word: an ounce of action {guest post C. Wess Daniels}.
Image credits: Doug Neill at the Graphic Recorder.