my first music video directing debut

Richard Kentopp, a good friend of mine and student at Fuller, is the the singer and songwriter for a band called Books Died On.  Some have considered it Baroque Pop, Indie-Tronic (electronic indie) or Grind Core; Richard calls them “rock, post hardcore,” I just call them one good ol’ time. Check out the myspace page.

He hired me last spring to make a music video for his album that was due out last fall called “Love Me/Hate Me.”

The other great album you should check out is the one right before it called the state of things.

Anyways, I’ve been meaning to mention that its online for sometime now, but this is my music video directing debut (I’ve directed other types of shorts in the past) and I’d like for you to take a moment to check it out.

Check it out at the bottom of this page, hear here the world’s on fire (which gives you three viewing options).

Or just watch high quality video the Ahead of Ourselves Video right here.