My 2008 Reading List (so far)

With every new year comes new lists of things we all would like to accomplish, take for instance the reading list. How many of you have compiled, if not physically, at least a mental list of all the books, authors and ideas you’d like to read about in 2008? What are the ones you’re most excited about? After seeing Josh’s list I thought I’d make my own.

I’ve got quite a list working already:

Books Leftover from Last Year

Books I’ve Already Read (at least most of)

Books I know I am excited to read in the coming year

As you can see my overwhelming interests for the year will be in culture studies, which reflects the majority of the work I am doing in the next couple quarters.  It will be interesting to look back on this in ten months and see if this is the path I followed.

Are there any I should add to my list? How about you, what are you looking forward to reading?