Help Vote In a Scholarship for Paul

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I know I don’t normally do stuff like this but it seems like a worthy cause.  I read and often cite Paul Stamatiou’s blog (a College student from Virgina Georgia Tech), and appreciate the stuff I learn from his site.   In fact, many of his tutorials, reviews and tips have helped me learn how to use technology better.  All that to say, he’s got the possibility of getting a scholarship if he can get the most votes (a pretty weird way to give out a scholarship).  So if you’ve got a moment and like to help a student out by offering the click of your mouse button then go to the scholarship page, and cast your vote.

From Paul’s blog:

I’m a Scholarship Finalist – Vote for Me:

“I woke up to a great email this morning. Apparently I have been chosen as a Top 10 finalist for a $5,000 blogging scholarship for college students. The final winner is chosen via an online vote, so if you would like to vote for me you can. Do everything you can to spread the word about this and vote for me! I have over $100,000 of tuition to pay off and that number grows by $30,000 every year. Thanks, Paul.”

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