Great News

Currently some really great things have been happening.  First being home was great, I enjoyed having the time to be with my family and enjoy Steffanie and Silas’ wedding.  Also the encouragement I received from those at the wedding about the message and how well it all went has reminded me of the power of speaking the Word of God.  This is good for me to think about because I have a hard time thinking of any usefulness in preaching.  There have been so few messages and sermons that I have heard that have really moved me to think differently or be changed that I have grown overly-critical of this method of delivering the faith.  But this is just the case, I have become overly-critical.  My good friend Jamie Pitts also had pointed out to me that we will never be great preachers, but we can be faithful ones.  Though I don’t really ever see my self as a regular preacher (I am after all serious about Quaker ecclesiology) I will not deny its usefulness as one among many means to an end – that end is the revelation of God.

Other really exciting news is that the Editor from Quaker Life magazine, Trish, has accepted an article I submitted to her for publication in their April Issue.  It is on Quakerism and the Emerging church and how this enables the “passing on of the faith (the theme of the issue).”

Finally, I handed Ryan Bolger (my professor from this summer’s writing project) my paper the other day.  So I am officially done, and will be receiving my degree hopefully this month.  I feel like I weight 25 lbs.