Free Website Hosting Contest from

As most of you know I read Paul Stamatiou’s technology blog on a regular basis, it’s one way I am able to keep up with what’s going on in the world of tech.  In fact he was probably one of the big resources for me as I began blogging with WordPress almost a year ago.

Well he’s hosting a contest for those who can answer four questions in the comments of this post.  The prize – a 1 year account with Media Temple hosting. The contest ends on Christmas eve.

Just for good measure I thought I’d answer the questions here instead of in his comments — hopefully he won’t mind me posting my comments here instead. But I thought it’d be more interesting to kill two birds with one stone.

Your favorite post on this year

Since I’ve used much of Paul’s stuff to create my own site it was hard to think through which one stands out to me.  I used his K2 customization posts a ton last year while I was learning how to use WordPress, and I’ve downloaded all the apps he argues are a must have for every mac user.

But I think my favorite one is on boosting traffic for your blog.  Of all the posts I’ve read on this topic, I still think Paul’s is the most straight forward and offers the most tips I could use as a newby to having my own site.

One of my favorite tech blogs is The Apple Blog – for it’s resourcefulness and it’s great discussion board.

Mention what kind of computer you use most of the time.


What are you hoping to get for the holidays?

I’m hoping to see all my friends and family. I just arrived back to Ohio (from LA) and am looking forward to seeing as many people as I possibly can since we don’t make it back that often.

As far as presents go – the only thing I really want is an renewal on my flickr pro account.

Thanks Paul for running the contest and I hope those of you reading visit and try to win a year of free hosting as well, it’s a great way to get started on your blogging career!

(oh and this was my first post using Textmate to blog with!)