Dress Down Fridays | Relient K, Arcade Fire, Lovedrug and Other New Albums

There’s not left for me to say this week, I’ve said a lot already and have a really busy next week and a half. This coming Thursday I am flying out to FWCC to help lead a workshop on “convergent Friends,” which I am really excited about but before I can leave for that I’ve got to turn in my seminar paper next Tuesday and have a ton of grading to do for Ryan’s Class.

So instead of showing all the sweet things I’ve found and read about this week, I’ll be honest and say there’s not much I’ve been able to focus on other than my own work, BUT never fear I wanted to tell you to check out the great new music that’s recently come out.

  • I’ve already told you in my Review of Relient K’s new album that it’s awesome and a must buy, but it’s worth mentioning again because I love these guys!
  • Some of my other friends, Lovedrug, from Ohio just released their album “Everything Starts Where it Ends.” There is some serious rock here.
  • I also just got the Decemberists new Album, Crane Wife and am really enjoying that, these guys are some incredible song-writers.
  • One other album I just got is by Elvis Perkins, Ash Wednesday, it’s great. Kind of folk-rock with some great lyrics, definately a worthy find. [see a pic]
  • I can’t believe, I almost forgot — The Arcade Fire’s new album just came out as well, the Neon Bible, and my Friends, it’s really good.
  • And finally, I am still trying to decide what I think about the Brother’s Martin Album, I like a number of songs on there, but the verdict is still out.
  • How about you, anything good on the ol’ record player these days?