Dress Down Friday | Truth, Blogaholics, and Bad T-Shirts

Another Dress-Down Friday is upon us so kick off your dress shoes, put on your flip flops, grab a cup of Peets (because I can’t) and browse the web.

Josh Brown has put together a couple videos called “I still love truth” part one and two.  I think they were well done and provocative.

I forget where I found this link, but it’s called “50 signs you’re a blogaholic,” it seemed like something you’d normally get as a spam email, but fortunately this one has managed to stay away from the inbox.

I thought this site, using simplepie, is not only creative but beautiful in it’s simplicity.  I like how the various feeds all fit together to make their own kind of web-collage.

Here’s a link to a list of 7 apps for Online Notetaking – the two I like the most are google notebook and zoho.

And finally something to stir the blood a little.  I recently finished Dan Kimball’s newest book “They Like Jesus but not the Church,” which I am reviewing for Barclay Press’s July August book discussion and he told this story in it.  I couldn’t but share it will all of you.  What would you do?

Finally as a side note – I thought I would post this with textmate today using blogmate, which now also supports twitter.  It’s a great app and if you already own textmate it’s a good alternative to paying for an external blog editor.