Dress Down Friday | Skribit, Good, and David Bazan

Another installment of your weekly dress down friday jibber.
I just got my account activated at Skribit, a new social networking tool for bloggers. You can see it on my front-page sidebar. Basically it allows readers to suggest topics to be written on, and vote on ideas already submitted. If you read my site, go ahead and make some suggestions. If you’re a blogger, sign up for a private beta account. Read more here.
If you are interested in learning more about mindmapping check out Brett’s article here. He also posted some great software to use as well.
My buddy Josh just showed me Good Magazine, which looks, well, pretty good. Here’s a great article on carbon offsets, which points out some of the issues in using them.
Anyone into spending $73,000 on this?
Fuller professor Craig Detweiler, has just finished his documentary, “Purple State of Mind,” which looks at some of the big issues that the red and blue states run into, and hopes to meet somewhere in the middle with a purple state of mind.
A light that last for 12 years, or is it 12 hours? Either way, it’s pretty cool/weird.
You will definitely want to download every track of the free David Bazan concert found here. There are a lot of new songs, his classic Q and A’s and just some good old fashion David Bazan. Also look around the site a bit, there all kinds treasures.
When you have a couple minutes check out this video I found on Rocketboom, it’s a graffiti art project put on by a school that I found to be super cool.
For all you designers, be sure to check out color hunter, and the color palette generator. I used color hunter to make my header today. And here are 10 sites for those of you in love with color.
OK – This video freaked me out.
And this is supposedly the first ever McDonald’s commercial. I guess McDonald’s hamburgers have always looked really flat.