Dress Down Friday (on Saturday) | Vatican Board Games, A Barking Dog and A George Fox Video

Well this week’s been really good, and really busy. I’ve only got a couple treats for this week’s dress down friday, but nonetheless they should be fun.

  • If you don’t know what to buy your Uncle for his Birthday and he happens to be Catholic you could buy him the VATICAN The Board Game. I found this on one of my favorite Catholic blogger’s website.
  • I hope to meet the guy behind
  • One Small Barking Dog
  • while in Birmingham, he’s an artist doing some really incredible stuff.

  • I am also interested in meeting the people behind b1 “church without walls” an emerging church in Birmingham. I think next weekend will be my time to begin some serious exploration.
  • If you are aware of any other great places to see or people to meet and you want to let me know drop a comment below.

  • You can now turn your Moleskine into a hard drive case, Geekster tells you how.
  • Oh and you should definitely check out our really cheesy George Fox movie we made today at Britain Yearly Meeting (I am the one behind the camera laughing my head off).
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