Dress Down Friday | Facebook Privacy and the Fisherman

Things have been a little slow this week since I am in the process of finishing up the quarter, but I’ve got some interesting links this week. Oh and sorry to flood your inboxes with Twitter, I wanted to have them on my blog as posts so people could comment on them, but not go through my feed, anyways, it didn’t work. I am looking into plan B.

Is facebook becoming evil? With privacy becoming more and more of an issue will Facebook start cooperating? See here as well.

Here are the nine most Badass verses in the Bible (be forewarned some of this is pretty crude).

Are you looking for a new gravatar or favicon?

For all you music fans be sure to check out NPR’s recent All Songs Considered website re-design. They’ve got some amazing stuff on their. I think the coolest feature is the playlist feature where you can select a list of music you’d like to listen to from their website.

For those of you who haven’t heard, the Daily Scribe is up and running again, with some new and old faces in the community. Be sure to check it out.

Have you heard of the Fisherman yet? I think I like the Air Jordan/Rock Climbing version.

Build a cheap solar heater (I wonder if it works).