Dress-Down Friday | Bolt, Naomi Klein and Coffee

It’s been a while since I posted a “Dress-Down Friday” post so today seemed like a good day to get back into the swing of things. Dress-Down Friday’s are just casual postings of whatever random goodness I’ve bumped into while cruising the web. I think you’ll enjoy some of the stuff I’ve posted today as well. Things have been INSANE around here, and by INSANE I mean – good and really crazy. Last weekend the fam and I were up in the Northwest hanging out with some great folks in the Portland area.

Two highlights for me were visiting Powell’s bookstore, a four-story book heaven.

L walking down the theology isle at Powell's

And drinking coffee at Stumptown, the best coffee that has ever touched my mouth and which we visited all three days we were up North:

Stumptown on Stark Ave

In Other news:

He writes: “The challenge for youth pastors is the challenge of hearing Jesus say, “Follow me”; to lose our lives in living God’s love. Then, as communities, we become signs of God’s new world in the midst of empire and youth will start to ask us … “Why?” If Passionfest in New Zealand and The Common Root convergence in the U.S. are anything to go by, a generation is starting to do just that. It is my conviction that God longs to breathe the Spirit of Love’s new world into us. But to receive it, we must stop locking lips with empire. Then we will see clearly that Jesus and justice always kiss.”

Fernando writes:

The film is not all bad. There’s a solid premise, a good narrative arc, a decent moral sensibility (mostly) and enough humour to keep things moving. Sure, it’s The Truman Show for kids, but in a lot of ways it is a better, more engaging and less pretentious film than it’s intellectual forebear…Bolt began with one character free to life their life and another held in ignorant bondage. Part way through we had the tantalising promise that both characters would be free, but, in the end, we faced the same situation of one free character and one slave. Only the roles had been reversed.