Dress Down Friday | Black, Buy Nothing, Turkey Carcass Edition

Happy Dress Down (Black) Friday, and since it’s Black Friday that also means it’s Buy Nothing Friday, which I am celebrating! And if today is Buy Nothing Friday, then that would also have to mean that it is the day after Thanksgiving, and if that’s the case then today must also be Turkey Carcass Soup Friday!

Speaking of buying tons of things, now you can buy crosses at a reduced price.

I just learned about the Black Cab Sessions from Simon, who sent a link to the Elvis Perkins’ video as well as the one by Bill Callahan – both are worthy of your time. And since we’re talking about great videos on youtube, why not check out this old standbye.

Speaking of standbyes – Eddie Izzard has a new gig (sort of). Check this one too. Oh alright, this one as well.

For those of you on wordpress, check out the Defensio plugin for fighting spam comments (It seems to be working pretty well so far), and don’t forget to download the Absolute Comments plugin also.

Miro’s this great new open-source video platform for easily viewing digital media. It’s super easy to use and kind of fun too.

Oh and check out Walkscore, it’s a site that shows you what is all within walking distance of where you live.

Happy Dress Down, Black, Buy Nothing, Turkey Carcass Friday!