Dress Down Friday | Attempting the Perfect (Birth)day

Tomorrow is my 29th birthday, and while I hope to do a little post about the whole thing, I wanted to give a heads up now. I am attempting to have the perfect day. That’s right! Some have suggested it can’t be done, I am setting out to prove them all wrong! Or at least have a few laughs in the process. Emily and I have compiled a little itinerary for the day full of all my favorite things from foods, to bikes, music stores, drinks, and 2nd hand clothing shops.

  • In the morning I’ll be riding my bike down to Peets and will probably order a Latte.
  • Later in the afternoon we will be meeting some Friends at the Red Lion (a classic German pub in Silverlake).
  • Then we’ll be off to Amoeba and the Buffalo Exchange.
  • And we’ll end up at Canters, LA’s best Jewish deli, where I plan on getting a Turkey Rueben.

We’ve have some set times (some say the times are too restrictive) so friends can meet us at the different places or join us for the whole thing. Also, during the day I will update my twitter when I can so if you want to watch there be my guest! There will be plenty of pictures on flickr as well.

And on another note: I know there are a few of you who really want this and there are some of you who will think this is silly [Hat tip to Josh].