Discussions on Plurality 2.0

Adam Walker Cleveland, the author of Pomomusings.com, is conducting a series of guest posts on his site around the subject of pluralism called Plurality 2.0 and I have a guest piece on the subject today. Here’s what he writes about the series:

I think issues of pluralism, ecumenism, the exclusivity/inclusivity of Christ and everything else that could fall under the broad category of plurality are certainly divisive issues today. For many, words like pluralism have very negative connotations – it’s something that only pansy, milquetoast Christians believe in. For others, pluralism is simply the air we breathe and we just need to accept it. But perhaps there are other different ways to (re)think issues like these. I’m hoping that our guest bloggers will be able to help us think about plurality in a new way: Plurality 2.0.

He’s invited 28 authors to contribute to the posts over the next couple months and has some really great people coming up (see the list below).  My short essay titled, “A Convergent Church After a Fragmented World” is the first one up and I hope you get a chance to check it out. I also encourage you to check back on Adam’s blog and read the other contributors as well.

April 1: C. Wess Daniels
April 2: Christine Sine
April 3: Melissa DeRosia
April 6: Ryan Kemp-Pappan
April 8: Julie Clawson
April 10: Adam Copeland
April 13: Kim Hinrichs
April 15: Tony Hoshaw
April 17: Makeesha Fisher
April 20: Matt Heerema
April 22: John O’Hara
April 24: Dr. Philip Clayton
April 27: Carol Howard Merritt
April 29: Matthew Walker
May 1: Nanette Sawyer
May 4: Doug Pagitt
May 6: Katie Harris
May 8: Jeremy Zach
May 11: Natalie Stadnick
May 13: John Franke
May 15: Kelly Bean
May 18: Seth Thomas
May 20: Marci Glass
May 22: Brian Merritt
May 25: Sarah Walker Cleaveland
May 27: Landon Whitsitt
May 28: Darleen Pryds
May 29: Brian McLaren