Daily Scribe Jamboree: September 9, 2006

Here are some interesting links from The Daily Scribe from this past week…

Crookedshore writes about Luke 19 – the Parable of the Minas.

He asks concerning the third servant:

The question for me is why he failed to put this money to work? And what has this to do with Jesus reason for telling the story in the first place, that people were thinking the kingdom was imminent????

Blogickal tells us a little about celtic beers, something anyone who’s family is from Scotland is sure to be interested in (i.e. Daniels).  Also Nixie is Scribe’s highest referrer this past month – thanks!

Finally I was happy to see Brother Maynard of

Subversive Influence be accepted as one of Scribes newest members.  I was really happy to see he’s a Dylan Fan.

—Bonus Link!
And an extra link outside the Scribe world – No Little Kindness, a band in Pasadena and friends of mine have just posted new music on their Myspace page.  Go

check it out.

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