Daily Scribe Jamboree September 24, 2006

The Daily Scribe has grown out of it’s wordpress skin and so things a getting changed around a bit over at the top religious aggregator site on the web, so go by and check out some of the changes.

Here are a few links from this past week, which was for me a quiet one (thankfully).

From Based on A True Story a post on “Email and Conflict,???

“After an intensive study they concluded that e-mail was the absolute worst place to resolve conflict and it almost never gets done properly and that face-to-face resolution is a quick and effective approach.???

Shawn’s written a great post dealing with the question of “What is Liberal Theology????

“Liberal Theology is an intellectual movement that is open to the truth and insight of modern knowledge. It is strongly influenced by modern critical, scientific and historical studies.???
And finally over at Kesher Talk we just found out George Allen is Jewish.