Daily Scribe Jamboree 082506

Here are some fancy links for your blog reading pleasure.

Nathan writes a book review on “A Heretics Guide to Eternity??? by Spencer Burke and Fuller Prof. Barry Taylor.

He sums the book up with this sentence, “Religion declares that we are separated from God, that we are ‘outsiders.’ Grace tells us the opposite; we are already in unless we want to be out.???  Nathan also states that the theology of this book challenges much of what people learn about God in the church but that it,  “takes books like Spencer’s to challenge what we take for granted in our theology and our lifestyles. So I won’t critique his theology, I’ll leave it up to the theologians to do that.???  (For a great theological response to Burke’s book see Scot McKnight’s post on it. )

Making Chutney picks on a popular target these days, face it a lot of us can’t stand Wal-Mart.   He points out that there is one “Wal-Mart kid on welfare for every four Wal-Mart Employee you see.???

Over at the Humanist News, a new Daily Scribe blog, there is a write up about Pastor James Kennedy’s new furry manifesting itself in Anti-Evolutionary propaganda.  He has tied WWII and Hitler with Darwin, you can check that part out by downloading his two-color .pdf.  They’re wondering, as am I, where will he go with all this?

Finally Adam discovered a wonderful treasure – Walter Brueggemann is on Myspace.

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