Comments on Obama and Wright

There’s been a slew of comments and posts concerning Obama’s recent speech on the Pastor Wright issue, if you haven’t heard it you can watch the video here. It’s worth watching because I think Obama actually addresses some of the key issues that we still face in America today, and he’s refreshingly honest about just how complicated racism really is.  With that in mind, I really appreciated Fernado’s recent post which catalogues a whole assortment of quotations from various commentors responding to Obama’s speech. Here is one very thought-provoking one:

“…what’s wrong with afro-centric? Especially when much of Christian theology for the past 500 year or so has been ???euro-centric???. Of course we haven’t called it “euro-centric??? Christian theology. We’ve just called it “Christian???. Kind of like “person??? meant “white person??? for many centuries. Or like “rational???, “pure???, “normal???, “clean???, “articulate???, etc. meant “white???.???

(From Thoughts on Obama and Wright via Fernado’s Desk)

Did you see any thoughts or reactions you found particularly moving or insightful? What were your feelings on the whole situation?