combo feed @ more ways to find (or stalk) me. is a new blogging hybrid that allows for simple posting of various RSS feeds from all over the web.  I am using it to aggregate all my comings and goings across the internet so that I can have one master “combo feed.”  In other words, all my accounts with RSS dump into tumblr.  You can still subscribe to this blog in the regular ways by adding the RSS feed or visiting my subscribe page, where you can sign up for email.  But you can also add my combo feed and subscribe to that if you so choose, as if you wanted more ways to see what I am doing…

I am using the domain for my tumblr account.

I have also turned that into an email account – so if you’d like to email me at
c [at] wessdaniels [dot] info — go for it.  My older emails are still in place and you can always contact me here.

Along with that I’ve used my name wessdaniels as both the screen name for skype and AIM (I can also video chat now with my new Macbook!).  That way you can reach me while I am away fairly easily.  Again my older AIMs are still open as well – but a little unification will be nice.

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